Mayhem Racing Charities has a unique origin story. Back in the summer of 2011, Chris Saribekian, President of MRC, was on a weeklong trip travelling multiple states and raising funds for fallen soldiers. This event was a multi day competition and included cars & drivers from all across North America. At the time, Chris was competing under a different team name. However, near the end of the event, Chris' brand new vehicle broke down outside of Charleston, SC. Unable to repair the vehicle in the 104F temperatures, the vehicle was towed to a local dealership. After 7 long hours of waiting and nearly buying another just to keep going, the car was found to have a faulty fuel pump and was back on the road in 45 minutes. 500 miles later the team arrived in Kentucky at 3am. It was during that trip the concept of Team Mayhem was born. With no team safe from breakdowns it went to demonstrate how life can change on an instant. In some cases leaving you stranded or helpless. The same way life affects people.
Nine years later Mayhem Racing Charities was officially formed to be there for those in need. Beginning in the Denver Metro area with its huge car culture, MRC hopes to one day expand into new regions to change lives daily. It's never fair and can happen in only a moment.
Mayhem is everywhere affecting lives daily. Mayhem Racing Charities will also be there, to change lives for the better. With that, we are excited to continue our mission to use our cars for good everyday, Racing to Help!